Treasure Awaits...Up the Spiral Staircase!

With almost 2,000 items, we are sure to have all the pirate gear, garb, gifts, & goodies you could ever want!
We have a variety of unique & fun items, designed specifically for The Pirates’ House, to commemorate your visit. You’ll find something for everyone up the spiral staircase!
Souvenirs for your Buccaneers!
- Unique T-shirts, Hoodies, & Fleece
- Mugs & Cups
- Shot Glasses
- Postcards
- Treasure Chests
- Hats
- Pirate Costume Essentials
- Koozies
- Toys & Puzzles
- Posters
- Books
- Jewelry
- Flags
- Stickers & Patches
- Replica Coins, Ships, & Swords
If you are interested in anything we do not feature online, please do not hesitate to contact us.